Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We, as a species on planet Earth, are indeed strange. It is hard to classify us due to the roaming inconsistencies, ethnic, religious and/or political differences. No other species on Earth exists like us. Our heights have led us to military conquests, great and horrid art, vastly inconsistent culture, moon walking (both the popular dance and the literal practice) and financial investiture. Think about it for a moment. Our social norms are all across the board. We fit into no category easily defined.  God created us. We then went on to create the Volkswagen Rabbit, the Mona Lisa, the boiled egg. In order to pacify our cravings for metronomic noise, we invented music of all types (both loud and soft, hard and passive). A scan across the radio knob proves this. We cannot even agree on music. Try driving across the country with a country lover, a rap connoisseur and a classical junkie. It just doesn’t end well.

It is often said we are a confused race with ethical and moral conflicts always brewing just beneath the dermis. We’re always bickering over petty things such as where to dine, what to order, who is going to be stuck with the bill, and if the meal is not up to expectations, who is going to murder the cook.

I will close by adding this: If we are so superior, why has no moose died from a parachute malfunction? Why has no dog ever created a thermonuclear explosion? How is it no monkey has ever fallen from a great height as a result of a slip-up during a high wire escapade at Niagara Falls? And lastly, who among the animal kingdom other than human beings has ever met the Maker as a result of a late night party binge followed by a careless drive home?

We think we are so mighty. No one knows what Jesus scribbled in the sand on the day the woman was to be stoned, but many assume it was hypocrite.

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