Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Captured Moment of Illusional Reality

Looking back on life can be a bit daunting without the aid of photographs. Memories bend, fade and distort with the passage of time, but photographs never lie. Although, to be fair, they do not tell the whole story, nor do they tell part of it. They represent a partial moment of reality, seen through a circular lens and a rectangular opening, caught frozen by an electronic sensor or chemical emulsion.

Photos are open to interpretation. Three people may see three different things from within the same image. Scanning, printing or copying them leads to decay of originality, and nothing remains but the eye's ability to see the image and the brain's ability to interpret it.

So, a moment is enjoyed only as it occurs, and it is a nebulous thing since it is gone once you realize it even occurred. Memories are not to be relied upon, and photographs only record a fraction of what was.

So, in conclusion. Screw it. You will not live to remember it forever anyway, and this whole post is depressing enough as it is.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We, as a species on planet Earth, are indeed strange. It is hard to classify us due to the roaming inconsistencies, ethnic, religious and/or political differences. No other species on Earth exists like us. Our heights have led us to military conquests, great and horrid art, vastly inconsistent culture, moon walking (both the popular dance and the literal practice) and financial investiture. Think about it for a moment. Our social norms are all across the board. We fit into no category easily defined.  God created us. We then went on to create the Volkswagen Rabbit, the Mona Lisa, the boiled egg. In order to pacify our cravings for metronomic noise, we invented music of all types (both loud and soft, hard and passive). A scan across the radio knob proves this. We cannot even agree on music. Try driving across the country with a country lover, a rap connoisseur and a classical junkie. It just doesn’t end well.

It is often said we are a confused race with ethical and moral conflicts always brewing just beneath the dermis. We’re always bickering over petty things such as where to dine, what to order, who is going to be stuck with the bill, and if the meal is not up to expectations, who is going to murder the cook.

I will close by adding this: If we are so superior, why has no moose died from a parachute malfunction? Why has no dog ever created a thermonuclear explosion? How is it no monkey has ever fallen from a great height as a result of a slip-up during a high wire escapade at Niagara Falls? And lastly, who among the animal kingdom other than human beings has ever met the Maker as a result of a late night party binge followed by a careless drive home?

We think we are so mighty. No one knows what Jesus scribbled in the sand on the day the woman was to be stoned, but many assume it was hypocrite.

Monday, October 24, 2011

To Ponder the Universe is Futile but Fun

There is one seed in every field that questions the existence of all the other seeds. Does this seed jeopardize the harvest? No. Will this seed change the outcome of weather or in any way impact the fertility of the soil? No. The lesson here is not to diminish the seed in question rather to praise it. Praise it for being bold and sprouting forth its knowledge and wisdom both into the soil beneath it and also toward the sky above it. A seed sprouts and grows both ways, you know. Nothing in nature is simple, yet the whole underlying structure of the universe is one of simplicity. The arrow of time runs one way, but the legacy it creates extends backwards. 

That is called a paradox. An absurd paradox.

Time itself is a merciless inflammation of existence. We are its offspring, translucent things of no consequence at the end of it all. Yet even after a moment has vanished into the memories of the past, its trajectory moves ever forward, ever closer to a new harvest.

Frail intentions and dour outcomes change nothing. Existence is absolute, unending and eternal. We, however, are mere prospects of what could be, what was and what shall forever remain silent after the brief growth and evolutionary harvest of mankind. 

How many times has this happen before? When our sun swells into its own absolute destruction, will the gasses and particles it ejects out into the galaxy have any remnant of us woven into its fabric? Will anyone who comes next even remember us? Do we remember those who came and went long before us?

Yeah right…

Me, The Imperfect

What can I say? I am not perfect nor do I wish to be. I love to have time to myself, but I really don't enjoy being single. I like to be fussed at for leaving dirty socks all over the place and for cutting a huge hole out of the middle of the brownies and eating the middle piece. I am very fond of the dirty looks I used to get whenever I raised an objection or decided to defend myself against an unworldly accusation. I really do miss all those things. I especially miss the monthly moody spells where I get into trouble for no damn reason whatsoever, often just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, meaning my own house. Although most of these things sound bitter, I assure you they are not. They are hilarious. I love them. I have termed marriage to be the most unpredictable predictability and yet at the same time the most predictable unpredictability. Anyone who has been married and thus divorced understands EXACTLY what this means.

I am not much of a cook. First off, let’s define cooking. I don’t feel that the robotic process of “open can, pour goo into pot, turn up heat and stir occasionally” to be cooking. Cooking is quite different, and to any man lucky enough to receive actual food, there is a fundamentally huge distinction between simply heating and actually cooking that defies expectation each and every time. Cat food is overrated anyway, although the chicken flavor is quite good.

I am what I am, and I do what I do. There can be no introspection without finding an open mousetrap in me somewhere. I look at this way, and I never convinced my former wife of it despite my greatest and most daring verbal attempts: The clothes I take off at night and pile beside me on the floor as I get into bed is the emergency pile. If the house is burning down at two in the morning, I am not the one standing embarrassed in my underwear on the street corner watching burning embers get hosed down by the firefighters.

You see, there is method to my sloppiness. Only a man as lazy as myself could probably truly understand this.

If you are looking for a committed friend who will be true, never take advantage of you and always tell you truth, you have come to the right place. If you are looking for a man of a thousand “yeses,” you have stopped at the wrong shop. Just don’t ask me if that dress makes you look fat. Of course I am going to lie on that one.