Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Change is for Morons

I fail to understand the concept of change. I like stones. They rarely change, and they are none the worse for wear because of it. Unfortunately, the universe is not up to me. No one bothered to run the plans by me when physics of the universe was foolishly agreed upon. Change occurs regardless of whether I like it or not, but I refuse to walk my dog at that party. I will remain a stone until the winds of time grind me up into bits of sand. Then I will just sit on the beach and watch everything else change. I will watch each day bring about new silliness to wash away the old silliness.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Cat and Monday Mornings

Mondays always remind me of why my cat is luckier than I am. He gets to spend his day laying around napping and staring out the window while I am at work earning money for his food pellets and cheese mice. He seems to understand this, for on payday, he intuitively sits in front of the food bowl as if knowing that I have acquired monetary earnings, and that means a treat and fresh litter. If reincarnation is true, and I highly doubt it, then I want to come back as my cat. Let him come back as me. We'll see who enjoys whose profession more.

Knowing my luck, when he is me, he'll win the damn lottery as I always haven't, and he'll skip off to a lavish Hawaiian  resort while I have to clean out my own litter, the same way he always didn't.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sometimes, failure is an option.

Sometimes failure is an option. We all fail. Failure is square one of human ingenuity. Most of the things we learn in life happen because of, or as a result of failure. There is no shame in failure if the next step is to try again, to try harder, to try a different approach. Giving up is permanent failure. Trying again is permanent success.